Mein erstes Metalalbum herausgebracht, und das mit 38. Das kann uns doch allen noch Mut machen, lebt Euren Traum, haha. Ich übernehm mal einfach den Text von der Bandwebsite.
The BAMBERG APOCALYPSE is upon us. Loud and proud we officially unleash our first full length album „Bamberg Apocalypse“. You can get it:
via iTunes
via bandcamp
You may also listen to it on bandcamp in full length or order a limited physical copy with an original Gebruder T-Shirt for 15 Euros or just the album for 10 Euros at info(at)! Greatest thanks to Alex Fuchs for the cover photography and the video (along with Tobias Wulff), Barbara Mayer for the artwork, Dirk Bremshey and Skycap for distribution and most of all our eternal Gebruder and ex-bass-player GRIM for playing bass on „Supercharged“, „We Are The Dead“ and „Waltz Of Death“. Special thanks to MC Fitti for appearing in the „King Of The Graves“ video.
Bring the noise!
The Gebruder
(Wolfman X, The Goat Bishop, Tower)